Monday, 9 November 2015

How you can create a 404 redirect website and make money How to setup a 404 redirect page and make money. . Customize Thesis: Developing Useful 404 Pages This tutorial is for those fortunate users who run their sites on WordPress using the Chris Pearson's Thesis Theme. If you haven't found out about Thesis take a few mins to see our review of the Thesis WordPress theme. If you don't own Thesis you could probably grab a few tips from this tutorial it merely won't be as simple for you to carry out! Internet Designers almost everywhere have a love hate relationship with them. We are discussing 404 web pages. It isn't unusual to see an amusing 404 page. Heck its better than the basic 404 page supplied by Google Explorer or Firefox. For examples of 404 web pages have a look at Smashing Publication's list of 404 pages. - See even more at:

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